Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Guess What....We Moved!

Well, it is officially official. We are now living in Utah. To be quite honest. a few months ago I didn't think I would ever be typing those words. I have a lot of mixed feelings about this move. It has definitely been the hardest move I have ever made and that is saying a lot since Zac and I have moved around quite a bit.
Zac and I had both been praying the last several months that Zac would be able to know if he should try to find a new job. He wasn't very happy in his current one and we both really wanted to stay in the Seattle area. So when Zac was contacted by CoreBrace, I knew that this was an answer to a pray. Not the answer I wanted but I knew that Zac should take it.
I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about why I am having such a hard time with Utah. And I think I figured it out. As many of you know, Zac and I have been wanting to start a family for over three years now. The first year, we weren't concerned that there was anything wrong, then the second year hit. We were living in San Diego at the time. That year was brutal. I was not happy. I was heartbroken. I cried almost everyday, I couldn't stand to see pictures of new babies or pregnant women. I left multiple baby showers early and in tears because of the pain. I had no idea why I couldn't get pregnant and I had no friends close by who knew what it was like. Then we moved.
While in Seattle, I discovered the reason why. And I made some of the best friends a girl could ask for. These friends knew what I was going through as they knew themselves what it was like. We could all relate and lean on each other for support. I clung to their friendship and for the first time in over a year, I felt happy and at peace with my situation. I felt that even though I didn't know if I would ever have a family that is was okay for me to be happy.
Leaving them behind when we moved was so hard. I was worried and scared that without them I would fall back into unhappiness. That I wouldn't be able to make new friends and that without their support I wasn't quite sure what I was going to do.
But I see now that Heavenly Father placed those incredible women in my life right when I needed them the most. They will always be my friends. And because of them I am stronger and can face a new place that has so many young mothers and pregnant women. I don't think I could have ever faced Utah without first having lived in Seattle.
There are some really great things about living here though. For one, I have a sister so close, less than five minutes away, close. I am so grateful to have Elise and her family so close. Nothing quite beats having a sister nearby. I am also so much closer to home and my parents. Also, due to lower cost of living and Zac's new job, we are going to be able to pursue a few dreams in the near future that we didn't even think were possibilities before such as buying a house. Zac and I have a lot to be grateful for. I am excited to face this new adventure with my best friend by my side.

First day of work!

First snow

I have missed the mountains 

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