Monday, June 15, 2015

What is Your "Why"?

At work, we have started a wellness pilot program. I will be working with 10 associates for 8 weeks on achieving their health and wellness goals. These goals vary from stress management, to eating better to physical activity, etc. One of the big questions we ask is why. Why do you want to change? Why is it so important to you?
I have been thinking a lot about my "why". Why do I exercise? Why do I try to eat healthy? Why do I care? What is my why?
I have come to the conclusion that my why is because it gives me confidence and strength. Every time I finish a hard run or am successful at planning out and sticking to a healthy week of meals I am reminded that I can do hard things. I am reminded that I am strong! And that I am capable of doing so much! I am also reminded that my body is one of my greatest blessings. I some times have a love/hate relationship with my body. I get frustrated that it won't do the one thing that it should be so easy to do...reproduce. I get frustrated when it hurts from the Endo. I get frustrated when I can't do things I want to because my body is too tired. 
But every time I push past those feelings I am rewarded with feelings of confidence. I feel powerful and that I can take on the world. It is those feelings that keep me going. 
I have come across a lot of individuals who want to eat healthy and exercise because they want to lose weight or look good.  The automatically think that having the perfect body will make them happy. However, being super fit and thin will not make you happy. We have to learn to love ourselves no matter what. 
I have been so anger at my body and even sometimes hated it because I viewed it as "broken". Running has helped me change that mind set. I am not broken. My body is beautiful and lovely. I have found my "why". So, what is your "Why"? 

Friday, June 5, 2015

Beginning Thoughts on IVF

A few weeks ago I started really looking into In Vitro. Comparing clinics, calling insurance, looking at our finances, etc. For all of the thousands of couples who go through IVF each year, I was surprised to see how involved the process is. It is quite terrifying. 

Right now I am mulling over the idea of really spending all of our savings and committing to giving myself shots...This is an incredibly big decision and it scares me.