Thursday, June 26, 2014


The last month has been a whirlwind. A few weeks ago, Zac and I decided to go ahead and get the diagnostic laparoscopy surgery for Endometriosis. I called the doctor's office and they told me that it would take about two weeks to hear back from the insurance and probably another month after that before the actual surgery.
Last week I got a call from the doctor's office and they said they had a cancellation for the 25th. So I took it! It has definitely been an eventful week. 
On Monday, I had my pre-op appointment which went pretty well, except for passing out while getting my blood work done. Haha. It was more embarrassing than anything else.  If I don't eat anything before I get my blood drawn I pass out and according to the nurse I turn the color of a green olive. Needless, to say I was in no shape to drive home or to pick up Zac from the park and ride. There are definite perks of your doctor being in your ward. He drove me home then picked up Zac for me. Sometimes I wonder if the reason Zac and I are in Seattle is just so that Dr. S can be my doctor.  He really is such a sweet and caring man. 
The surgery was scheduled for Wednesday morning. The toughest part was waiting. We waited about three hours from the time we got there to the time they put me out. Thankfully, Zac was able to wait with me. 

I promise, I am not sleeping, yet. Zac streamed the Argentina game for me while we waited. It definitely made the wait go by faster and it was fun to talk about with the staff as well. 
It was over before I knew it. I think having my wisdom teeth removed in high school was much more painful than this surgery. I don't know about you, but I am terrible when it comes to stuff like this. The first thing I do is research it on the web and of course I find all of the horror stories. I don't know what those ladies were talking about because it was really quite simple and painless for me. The doc prescribed me some pain meds, but I have been doing just fine on Ibuprofen. 
They did find Endometriosis. To be honest, I am relieved. I think my biggest fear going into this is that they wouldn't find anything and then I would be back at square one. I didn't get to speak to the doctor as I was a little loopy from all the meds. However, he spoke with Zac. He said there was significant amounts with the majority being on the left side, around my tubes. I am not sure if it was inside, outside or both. He was able to remove most if not all of what he found and he also flushed my tubes several times. So I should be pretty cleaned out down there. 
At my pre-op appointment Dr. S said I had a good 3-5 month window afterwards before the Endometriosis starts to come back. I am feeling rather hopeful that this time it is going to work that this time I will get pregnant. 
I have my post-op in two weeks, where Dr. S will go over in detail what he found and what it means exactly. He took a lot of pictures of my beautiful insides, sadly I was too sleepy to really see or comprehend them. So, we will be going over those again as well. 
Right now, I am just sore. It feels like I did too many sit ups and that I have a cramp in my shoulder. Apparently, the gas that they use to inflate your abdomen causes shoulder pain afterwards. Who knew. Also, I feel slightly like a balloon as the gas leaves you bloated. 
Good news, is that I can be back to normal activity levels in two weeks. I can even begin going on walks as soon as I feel up to it.   
I am really happy that we decided to do the surgery. It was definitely the right decision for us. I now have a definitive answer as to why I haven't been able to get pregnant the last 2 years and 7 months. 
With Endometriosis effecting over 5 million women in the world you would think that it would be easier to get it diagnosed. I had my first doctor's appointment for female issues when I was 16 and they brushed it off as if it were no big deal. Telling me that it was because I was still growing and that my pain was normal. Then, I went through two other doctors as an adult who also brushed it off saying that there was nothing wrong with me. I am so glad that I have finally found a doctor who was willing to take the next step and really find out what was going on.  
We will see what Dr. S says about my options in two weeks! In the meantime, I am going to soak in the feeling of hope!