Monday, April 14, 2014

National Infertility Awareness Week 2014

This week is National Infertility Awareness Week. I want to take this opportunity to help increase awareness. is a non profit organization that is a great place to find resources and is devoted to bringing awareness to this disease. Yes, it is a disease. I am frequent visitor to their website. They have encouraged me to share and to use this opportunity to let others know. I have debated with myself if I should post this list or if I should just keep it to myself. This has been a private list of mine for the last several months. I don't like to post posts that are sad or that may come off as complaining because I really do have a lot to be grateful for. I try to put on a brave face and look for the positive during this journey. But in reality, there is a lot of pain and heartache that is involved. Below is my personal list of confessions about my infertility. These are the things that I struggle with on a daily basis, some of my innermost feelings that I want to share with you. By sharing this list, I just want you to know that this is the hardest thing I have ever gone through and that I hope that this will help you understand a little bit more about me and about infertility. 

  • It feels like someone is trying to rip my heart out every time I see a new born baby, expectant soon-to-be mother or a darling little girl.
  • I sometimes un-follow your Facebook posts, Instagram or blog because I can't handle all of the baby pictures, complaining posts about pregnancy/kids and pregnancy announcements.
  • I secretly wish I was strong enough to tell you that it hurts every time you complain about your greatest blessing.
  • I would give up anything to go through morning sickness, hardly get any sleep and have a messy house if it meant I had a child.
  • I appreciate your suggestions, but lets be honest, I have already tried to just relax and any other old wife's tale that helped your sister's friend's sister get pregnant. I just read a study about full fat dairy increasing cream anyone?
  • I purposely plan my route in Target to avoid the baby section.
  • Each month, I start to in-vision what it would be like to be pregnant and a mother....only to be reminded, painfully, that this month isn't the month.
  • I cry a lot.....more than anyone would ever expect or even know.
  • I think about infertility everyday....every single day.
  • I frequently dream I am pregnant or that I have a baby. Sometimes they are so real that I wake up half expecting to find that child really there.
  • I have a secret Pinterest board for infertility to remind myself that I am not alone.
  • Please don't tell me that I have plenty of time or that I am still young, that doesn't make me feel any better.
  • I genuinely don't mind you asking me about it. I honestly would rather have you ask than to have you wonder.
  • Each month I feel so guilty because there must have been something more I could have done to make it happen.

If you have a friend or loved one going through a similar situation, give them a hug this week and let them know that you care. They may need it much more than you know.